

What We Do

How Can We Help?

Accounts & Production
Technical Support
Consistently delivering quality service through our competent and agile leadership. Investing in innovative ways, rapid expansion, and process optimization of our over the top assets in order to deliver continuously increasing revenue and cash flow year on year.

How We Work?

Our state of the art fleet of mobile and semi-mobile concrete batch plants enables us to provide rapid response on urgent projects, together with the benefit of on-site services in remote locations. Our drivers are professionally trained to conduct on-site slump tests as customer satisfaction is our main priority.

With our professional workforce, ERMC applies a suite of tools, designs, and technologies to optimally address our customer’s specific problems and requirements in the construction industry in accordance with the South African National Standards.

Let’s help you build your foundation. All of our ready mix concrete products are made to your specifications, be it for builders, engineers, developers, or architects. You tell us what you need and we deliver, it is as simple as that.